Did You Know...? We Have a Massive Network of Trusted Home Professionals.

Did you know that we have a large, trusted network of home professionals to whom we can refer you for almost any project or task with which you need help?

We do.

From landscaping, to HVAC, to renovations (large and small), to general handyman tasks, and more; you name the home project, we can recommend a professional who can help.

We have a trusted network of vendors, whom we have vetted over the course of our nearly two decades in the real estate business. In addition, Mike has a background in construction and brings that perspective and experience to his advice to buyers, as well as to vetting the professionals we recommend.

This is just one of the ways we go above and beyond for our clients. We would love to help you too! If you’re thinking of buying but are wondering what to do if the house you find needs work, reach out to us using the form below.