Celebrating 17 Years...

I renewed my real estate license recently. May 2020 will mark my 17th anniversary as a licensed real estate professional!! 

In Washington State, every 2 years, we get to brush up on our skills and submit to the state that we intend to continue serving people in real estate. The license renewal process made me reflect on my journey.

In the early 2000's I was desperate to increase my dollar per hour wage but I didn't know how. 

There were only so many hours in the day and I was working MANY of them! I wanted to find a true career. When I got my real estate license, I realized that my dollar per hour wage had DRAMATICALLY changed for the better and I discovered my marketplace ministry opportunity.

A small amount of time (90 clock hours in my state) + $489 + $146.25 for State Licensing + $50 for fingerprints + a few membership fees and you are on your way to launch your real estate BUSINESS. The problem is that many real estate agents treat their real estate career like a JOB not a business. I'm so grateful for the ongoing training Keller Williams provides for us to keep learning and growing as business owners. The day you join our company, you have four income streams working for you. I would love to explain more about the process to you!

As I reflect, I'm so blessed to be in business with the #1 Real Estate Company in the world by agent count, volume sold and units.

I'm thankful to be a part of a DEBT FREE company who treats its partners like stakeholders and shares the profits.

I'm grateful for the people early in my real estate career who invested their time, energy and enthusiasm in me. Now it's my honor to pour into you hungry, learning-based friends and help you start or grow in your own journey.

Have you ever considered getting into the business? Email me or contact me through the Contact page of this website for a confidential conversation. I'd love to help you get started!